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Event Series Sunday Services

Sunday Services

Pacific Hills 24481 Moulton Parkway, Aliso Viejo, United States

Pacific Hills invites you to join us for our weekly church services Sunday mornings! Our services take place at 8:00AM, and 10:00 AM. Our 10:00 service features youth and children's...

Youth Family Service

Pacific Hills 24481 Moulton Parkway, Aliso Viejo, United States

On the first and third Sunday of each month, our Middle School (grades 7-8) and High School (grades 9-12) students will meet with the church in the main sanctuary. Our hope...

Women’s Winter Study

Pacific Hills 24481 Moulton Parkway, Aliso Viejo, United States

The Pacific Hill's Women's Ministry will be studying the Names of God for our Winter Bible Study. Each name of God reveals a specific attribute of God's nature, allowing us...

Seasoned Classics Lunch and Games

Pacific Hills 24481 Moulton Parkway, Aliso Viejo, United States

Come join our Seasoned Classics for Lunch and Games on Saturday, February 7 at 12:00PM (Noon). Lunch starts at noon followed by the game, Mexican Train. If you don't know...

Event Series Men’s Motorcycle Ride

Men’s Motorcycle Ride

Pacific Hills 24481 Moulton Parkway, Aliso Viejo, United States

Men, if you have a motorcycle, you are invited to join our Men’s Motorcycle Group for a monthly ride. On the 3'rd Saturday of the month, the men will meet...

Cambodia Missions Trip

Pacific Hills 24481 Moulton Parkway, Aliso Viejo, United States

Cambodia Missions Trip: February 18 - March 3, 2025 You are invited to join us for an inspiring journey to Cambodia! From February 18th to March 3rd, 2025, we’ll serve...