Serving as missionaries in

The Ichikawas
Email Noboru and Julie an encouraging word, visit them on Facebook or read their latest newsletter!

Serving as
missionaries in
Email Noboru and Julie an encouraging word, visit them on Facebook or read their latest newsletter!
Mission: To lead the Japanese to a saving faith in Christ Jesus as we pastor at our new church, Grace Chapel Taketoyo and do outreaches in the community.
Ministry: As a Pastor’s wife, I am called to support my husband, Noboru as he teaches the Word of God. I am also responsible for leading the women and encouraging them in their walk with Christ and I am involved with Fellowship Counseling (counseling women as we walk with Jesus together). I reach out to the people through English Bible classes in the church.
Prayer Requests
- For us to know Christ and For us to know Christ and make Him known
- To build strong relationships with the Christians in the church, our town, & our neighbors
- To have wisdom to know how to reach out to the community and show the love of Jesus
- For Julie as she ministers to the women through an English Bible study
- To be united with the Believers & do all things led by the Holy Spirit
Mission: To lead the Japanese to a saving faith in Christ Jesus as we pastor at our new church, Grace Chapel Taketoyo and do outreaches in the community.
Ministry: As a Pastor’s wife, I am called to support my husband, Noboru as he teaches the Word of God. I am also responsible for leading the women and encouraging them in their walk with Christ and I am involved with Fellowship Counseling (counseling women as we walk with Jesus together). I reach out to the people through English Bible classes in the church.
Prayer Requests
- For us to know Christ and For us to know Christ and make Him known
- To build strong relationships with the Christians in the church, our town, & our neighbors
- To have wisdom to know how to reach out to the community and show the love of Jesus
- For Julie as she ministers to the women through an English Bible study
- To be united with the Believers & do all things led by the Holy Spirit