Securely and privately submit prayer requests and have it prayed over by our prayer team and others. Additionally, engage in prayer by lifting up the needs of others to the Lord.
Prayer Wall
The Prayer Wall
Securely and privately submit prayer requests and have it prayed over by our prayer team and others. Additionally, engage in prayer by lifting up the needs of others to the Lord.
Please fill out the following fields to submit your prayer request. It will NOT be published immediately as our moderators will then review and post it.
Ryan Wilson
Hello, I currently am in need for prayer.
I've been going through spiritual attacks for years. Can you please pray for complete deliverance for me
Received: March 2, 2025
Jim F
My MIL having anxiety in independent living. Caregiver didn't show up this morning and keeps happening, causing anxiety in her and stress in my wife Dawn and me. TY IJN
Received: March 2, 2025
Ken Barnard
Please pray for my father in law, Mike. In the hospital with an internal bleeding problem and breathing problem. Pray that he would ask Jesus to be his Lord and Savior. Thanks
Received: March 2, 2025
Could you please pray for my broken marriage, broken relationship with my children, I really don't know much more I can take. My life is collapsing around me.
Received: March 1, 2025
Pls pray God heals my relationship with my daughter, Lilly and that we can be close again. And that she would find relationship with the Lord
Received: March 1, 2025
Father God, pls draw 3 rebellious, aging addicts, Frank A, Jeremiah and Jeff to find you.
They hate you for the loss in their life. Heal their heart and spirit. Psalm 34:18
Received: February 28, 2025
Andrew Pick
Healing, have more energy and stamina like never before praise God
Received: February 28, 2025
Please pray 4 my son in law job interview daughter and their baby financial struggles 4 all of us their marriage unity in our family salvation & Godly wife for my son thank u much
Received: February 28, 2025
Please pray for my 4+ sided problems to be alleviated, His protection, direction, peace and love to permeate my family, IJN
Received: February 28, 2025
Betty Boyd
Please pray for my physical healing. After my brother physical abused me , I developed an autoimmune condition affecting my eyes. Surgeon made my arms worse.
Received: February 28, 2025
Karen Comer
Please pray for my Sister Carol who had a stroke caused by a ruptured aneurism in her brain. Her prognosis is not good and she is in ICU in a sedated state to let her brain heal.
Received: February 27, 2025
Pls pray God blesses my relationship with my daughter Lilly, that He would keep her close to His heart and remove bad influences. That she would be successful in joining the Navy
Received: February 27, 2025
My breast cancer surgery is Monday March 3. Pls pray for successful surgery, no additional cancer indications. Pray for blessings on all involved. That I will represent Him well.
Received: February 27, 2025
Chuck Toro
Please pray for my eldest son CJ and his family he is 100% medically disabled US Marine. He is going through a reduction in force (RIF) as a civilian instructor for the US Marines.
Received: February 27, 2025
Father God, protect and keep safe, 85 yr old Graham now wearing a heart monitor to determine why he keeps passing out. Give wisdom to Graham's doctors. Psalm 70:5
Received: February 26, 2025
This prayer has been answered!
David Reynolds
Dad is in Rehab after short stay in hospital. Please pray for healing; left side of body still not better. I'm worried... Please pray for George "Dan" Reynolds...
Received: February 26, 2025
I m70 with a lot of health problems and no family to help, I can't make it on my own. Pls pray that God provides for financial needs
Received: February 25, 2025
C has severe anxiety, depression. Her sister S is critically ill, chest infection, severe COPD. Family called in. None r saved!
Received: February 25, 2025
Healing salvation 4 my family Godly friends God to take the oppression anxiety & fear away and for wisdom guidance new job for Nico. Godly wife for Jeremiah. Thank u very much
Received: February 25, 2025
Pray God would give me a vision for a better future. That I would be faithful with what He has given me. That I would become a better leader and grandfather/father.
Received: February 25, 2025
Powered by Prayer Engine
What happens when I submit a prayer?
When a new prayer request is added, we automatically send you an email containing the details of your request and a unique removal link. Keep this email in case you’d like to remove your prayer. Our prayer team administrators then process your prayer request and publish it to the prayer wall.
How do I pray for others?
When a request is posted to our Prayer Wall, you are encouraged to leave feedback in the form of the “I Prayed for This” button. When clicked, the prayer request is updated to reflect your support and prayer, and the original submitter receives an instant email notification that someone has prayed for them.
What requests are appropriate?
Our goal is to use this tool to help build up one another in the body at Pacific Hills through prayer. Thus, when you submit a prayer request you should be sensitive to someone’s privacy and it should be about something you need prayer for personally. Our moderators will monitor requests and edit them so as to not embarass others.
How can I remove my request?
When you submit a prayer request, you’ll immediately receive a confirmation email containing the details of your prayer request. This email also contains a removal link that gives you the ability to remove your prayer request from the Prayer Wall at any time with a simple click.
Is entering my information safe or shared with others?
Don’t worry about sensitive information falling into the wrong hands. The CCPH Prayer Wall includes a sophisticated administrative portal that can only be accessed by our prayer team leaders. In addition, all prayer requests must be moderated before they’re shared online, keeping sensitive and inappropriate information out of sight.