Deuteronomy 8: Don’t Forget Your Story (Special Service)

1.When or what was the last important thing you forgot?




2.What is one of the most important stories from your past?




3.What is one important lesson you can learn from difficult times you went through?




4.What are some of the things you have learned about the Lord from past experiences, that you did not know or understand at the time?




5.What is a practical step you can take to remember your story with the Lord?

1 Corinthians 12: Church Membership (Special Service)

1.Are there any spiritual gifts that you’ve identified as being particular strengths in you?




2.What are the least glamorous roles within the church? How might they be critically important?




3.What are some spiritual gifts that you’ve observed that aren’t listed in this passage?




4.Have you ever seen what can happen in a church when the body turns on itself?




5.Why is love so important in a church?

Psalm 118: Thankful for Mercy (Special Service)

1.What is making it hard for you to be thankful right now?




2.What are some of the dark times in your past that you’ve survived?




3.Who were some of the people who helped you when you were down?




4.What are you thankful for in your life right now?




5.What are you currently looking forward to?

Matthew 6:1-4 Don’t Mention It (Special Message)

1.What’s the greatest award you’ve received?  (Go ahead and brag!)




2.When has someone not recognized something good that you have done?  How did you feel?




3.How do we avoid seeking man’s attention when we serve or give to others?




4.In what ways does God reward us openly?




5.Revisit Matthew 5:13-16.  How do we balance these two passages and in what ways would you like to see change in your life?

Matthew 5:13-16 Salt and Light (Special Message)

1.What’s the kindest thing that anyone has ever done for you?




2.How do you think the non-Christians you know view Christians?




3.What are some of the things in your life that cause you to miss the opportunities God has given you to be salt and light?




4.In what new ways can you share God’s goodness with others?





Book of Jonah: God of Second Chances (Special Message)

1.Growing up, when was a time you wanted to run away from home?




2.What would you say is the message of this story?




3.What do you suppose Jonah was thinking as he fled to Tarshish?




4.What have you found most often keeps you from doing something you believe God wants you to do?





Proverbs 3:5-6: A Father’s Wisdom (Father’s Day)

1.Can you share a time in your life when you had a difficult situation and you “trusted in the Lord with all your heart”?




2.Share a time in your life when you faced adversity and did not “trust in the Lord with all your heart” what happened?




3.Do you find it easy or difficult to “lean on your own understanding”? Explain to the group your answer.




4.How often during the course of your day do you “in all your ways acknowledge God”? Do you have to think about it, or does it come naturally? Do you struggle with this or is it just part of your daily routine?




5.During the course of your walk with Jesus do you see Him “directing your paths”? If so, please explain to the group.




6.If you find “trusting in the Lord” difficult, what is keeping you back from doing this? Is it something you think you can work on? Please explain to the group.

Exodus 2:10: A Mother’s Love (Mother’s Day)

1.If you are a mom, how do you relate your experiences with the story of the mother of Moses in Exodus 2?




2.What part of this story particularly reminds you of your mother?




3.Have you had any women in your life who became like mothers to you?




4.What kind of a relationship have you had with your siblings? How much did your mom have to do with that?





John 20:19-31 – Believing and Living (Easter)

1.Why do you think the disciples weren’t even considering the possibility that Jesus would rise from the dead?




2.Why do you think people didn’t seem to recognize Jesus on first sight?




3.Do you think Thomas gets treated unfairly when people call him “Doubting Thomas?”




4.What does having “life in His name” look like for you?





John 12:1-19 Palm Sunday – Misunderstanding Jesus (Special Services)

1.What are the biggest misunderstandings you’ve had about Jesus?




2.What are the most common misunderstandings people have about Jesus today?




3.Why didn’t Jesus explain Himself more clearly to His followers and enemies?




4.What would you do, knowing what we know now, if you could go back in history on the first Palm Sunday? What would you say to Jesus?