Mother’s Day 2023

  1. Which of the mothers we looked at in this study was your personal favorite? Why?




  1. Which of the mothers in this study remind you most of your mother? Why?




  1. Which of these mothers get less attention than they deserve?




  1. What is the biggest impact your mom had on your life?



  1. Which mom other than your own had the greatest impact on your life?





New Years Message (New Years)

1.What are you most afraid of as you consider the future?




2.Are you expecting 2023 to be a good year or bad year? Why?




3.What was your biggest disappointment last year?




4.In what ways have you seen God make seemingly negative events beautiful in time?




5. What do you think it means when Solomon says, “He has put eternity in their hearts?”





John 2:1-12 The Lord of Celebration (Special Speaker)

1.Who comes to mind when you think of celebration?




2.Why do you think God is into our celebrations?




3.What things keep you from being a person who celebrates?




4.How can your holidays be different in light of this story and miracle?





2 Samuel 9: Reflecting With Compassion (Kingdom Building)

1.Have you ever taken the time to remember people from your past who helped get you where you are?




2.Are there people you’ve connected with who you only know because they are related to someone who meant a lot to you?




3.Have you ever had a disabled person you were close to? What did “treating them normal” look like?




4.Have you ever had someone contact you because you were connected to someone who had helped them?





Galatians 5: The Goal of Control (Fruit of the Spirit)

1.From Galatians 5:22-23, which fruit of the Spirit do you relate to the most?




2.Share a situation where you struggle to control yourself?




3.What are you called to?




4.Where do you need self control in your life?





Galatians 5: The Wisdom of Gentleness (Fruit of the Spirit)

1.Who is the most gentle person you know?




2. Share a time where you acted angrily or harshly and it made a situation worse?




3.When has gentleness helped navigate a difficult person or situation?




4.In what ways do you need to be more gentle?





Galatians 5: A Faithful Life (Fruit of the Spirit)

1.Who has been a model of faithfulness in your life?




2. In the story of Joseph, what can you relate to the most?




3.When was the last time you felt like giving up or just not trying in an area of your life?




4.In what ways has reacting rather than responding to a situation negatively impacted your life?




5.How does your relationship with the Lord affect how you respond to difficult situations?

Galatians 5: The Good Life (Fruit of the Spirit)

1.Why do most people consider themselves good people?




2.What does it mean that only God is good?




3.What good works do you most enjoy doing?




4.Is there any person or environment that causes you to struggle with goodness?





Galatians 5: Heart of Kindness (Fruit of the Spirit)

1.Do you have any ways of thinking, or habits, that get in the way of how God wants to work through you?




2.What is a time that someone treated you with kindness in a way that changed you?




3.What gets in the way of being kind?




4.Take a moment to pick another person in your group and share something meaningful and kind towards them?




5.In what ways do you want to be kind this week?

Luke 15:11-32: Prodigal Patience (Fruit of the Spirit)

1. Who do you most connect with in this story, the father, the younger son, or the older brother? Why?




2.Why is it sometimes difficult for us to accept God’s graciousness to others who may not deserve it?




3.How do we find the ability to be patient like the father?




4.What is a time where your impatience set you behind in life?




5.In what ways can you be more patient with others?