Proverbs: Choices Have Consequences (Smarter Living)


1. What is your favorite dog story?




2. What is your best experience with an animal?




3. What habits have you broken in the past and what habits should you probably work on breaking now?




4. How do you try to live in contentment?




5. When could you have sued someone but you are glad you didn’t?




Proverbs: Knowing I’m Right (Smarter Living)


1. What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever believed?




2. What regrettable decisions have you made on the basis of believing you were right?




3. Why do you think most non-Christians you know reject Jesus? How would you respond to their objections?




Proverbs: Tough Times (Smarter Living)


1. What is the hardest time you’ve ever gone through in your life?




2. What helped you get through that hard time?




3. What kinds of things help you stay strong?




4. Share about a time when you eliminated a person or activity from your life and experienced almost immediate benefits.




Proverbs: Flattery & Hypocrisy (Smarter Living)


1. What is the stupidest purchase you’ve ever been suckered to make?




2. What is the worst pickup line you’ve ever heard?




3. Why do you think people feel the need to sell Jesus?




4. Who do you trust to always tell you the truth?




Proverbs: Soul Winning (Smarter Living)


1. What is something about you that most people don’t know about?




2. How many non-Christian friends do you have?




3. Who are the safe people in your life?




4. Do you remember a Christian who impacted your life before you came to Jesus? If so, how did they do that?




5. What people understand you best?




Proverbs: Fighting (Smarter Living)


1. What are some of the typical things you get in arguments about?




2. What tactics have you used to try to avoid fights that seemed successful?




3. What tactics have you used to try to avoid fights that were unsuccessful?




4. What was the level of anger and disputes that you experienced at home when you were a child? How do you think that affected your own communication style as an adult?




5. What tactics are you going to try to help you argue less?




Proverbs: Work (Smarter Living)


1. What did you learn most from your first job?




2. What would be your dream job today?




3. How have you balanced your work (or outside volunteer activities) with the rest of your life?




4. Who do you admire as someone who excels in their work?




Proverbs: Education (Smarter Living)


1. What educational experiences have stirred you on to want to learn more?




2. What educational experiences have turned you off to learning?




3. When have you studied content with which you disagree for the purpose of learning?




4. What are you in the process of learning currently?




5. What is holding you back educationally?




Proverbs: Stop Wandering (Smarter Living)


1. Describe some of your wandering off course in your past.




2. Do you think people are sometimes afraid of contentment? If so, why are they afraid?




3. Do you tend to have a more inflated view of yourself or a more deflated one?




4. Why is it hard to live with discomfort?




5. What is your place in life? (What is in your personal nest?)




Proverbs: Fear of The Lord (Smarter Living)


1. Why do you think some people like to be scared?




2. What is the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen? How did it make you feel?




3. Why do so many people seem to be bored with God?




4. What are some of the things that people are typically more passionate about than God?