Being A Servant – Luke 17:7-10

Being A Servant

Luke 17:7-10

  1. When does serving God feel good?



  1. When does serving God not feel good?



  1. Who is an example of a true servant in your life?



  1. What keeps us from being servants?



  1. Why is our culture producing such fragile people?



Lost and Found – Luke 15:1-10

Lost and Found

Luke 15:1-10

  1. Why do you think “good” people (pharisees) were critical of Jesus and the “bad” people (sinners) were drawn to Him?



  1. What do these parables teach us about God’s nature and the ministry of Jesus?



  1. What implications do these parables have for unbelievers?



  1. What implications do these parables have for us as believers?



  1. Where might you be stuck in your ways and in need of repentance?



Tares Among the Wheat – Matthew 13:24-30

Tares Among the Wheat

Matthew 13:24-30

  1. What do you think makes us want to exclude people from being “real” Christians?



  1. Have you ever believed some things about Christianity that turned out to be wrong?



  1. How have you felt judged by others? How did it affect you?



  1. What do you think are the minimum requirements for someone to be a Christian?



Life’s Not Fair: Matthew 20:1-16

Life’s Not Fair

Matthew 20:1-16

  1. Does it feel better to give someone something they deserve, or something they don’t deserve?



  1. Why do you think comparison steals so much joy from our lives?



  1. Does God owe us anything?



  1. What are we really saying to God when we say that things are unfair?



  1. In what ways has God been graceful in your life?



Building Bigger Barns – Luke 12:16-21

Building Bigger Barns

Luke 12:16-21

  1. Do you ever think about how long you’ll live? How does that affect you?



  1. What is the best money you’ve ever spent? Why?



  1. Have you ever hoarded anything or saved things you never used?



  1. What do you worry about most?



  1. How do you seek God’s righteousness?



Are You Hungry or Not? – Luke 14:15-24

Are You Hungry or Not?

Luke 14:15-24

  1. Why do you think Jesus chose to picture life in the Kingdom of God as a great supper?



  1. If Jesus is true and good, why don’t more people embrace Him?



  1. Why did Jesus care so much for the worst of people? What did they have that the Pharisees didn’t?



  1. What excuses get in the way of you and life in the Kingdom of God?



  1. How are you trying to make a small difference in the lives of others?



The Good Samaritan: Luke 10:25-37

The Good Samaritan

Luke 10:25-37

  1. Why do you think Jesus chose a Samaritan as the hero of this story? If you made up this parable today, who might you choose as the unlikely hero of the story?



  1. Why is it so easy to love God (or think you do) and so hard to love our neighbor?



  1. Who is an example that comes to mind of a person who doesn’t believe in what you believe and yet challenges you by their level of compassion?



  1. When have you been rescued by someone when you needed it most?



  1. How are you trying to make a small difference in the lives of others?



Living Beyond Today: Luke 16:1-13

Living Beyond Today

Luke 16:1-13

  1. Can you remember any fads or trends from the past that you were a part of?



  1. Do you think most Christians view their resources as theirs or God’s?



  1. Why does an eternal perspective matter when it comes to our lives?



  1. What are clever ways that you can use the things you have to make an eternal impact?



Prodigal Brothers: Luke 15:11-32

Prodigal Brothers

Luke 15:11-32

  1. Do you tend to be more like the younger brother in this story or the older brother? How so?



  1. What do you think kept the older brother from looking for the younger? What kept the father from hunting down the younger son?



  1. What is the danger of celebrating the returning son? Why take that risk?



  1. What do you think this story teaches us about child rearing?



Letting God of the Debt: Matthew 18:21-35

Letting Go of the Debt

Matthew 18:21-35

  1. What is something that someone has given you that you didn’t deserve?
  1. What does it mean when the Bible says we are forgiven by God?
  1. Who has caused the most hurt in your life?
  1. Why is it a struggle for us to forgive others?
  1. How does an economy of grace change the way we treat others?
  1. Who do you need to forgive?