Revelation 21-22: That You May Believe (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. What aspect of heaven appeals to you most?




2. Why do you think there are nations in heaven?




3. What do you need to re-create in your life?




4. In what ways can you make your life here and now more like heaven?




Revelation 20: Millennium (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. Why will people still sin while Satan is bound?




2.  What would compel millions of people to side with Satan after 1000 years of peace?




3. What would torment most non-Christians for eternity?




4. When was your name written in the Book of Life?




Revelation 19: Marriage Supper of The Lamb (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. Have you ever gone through something and asked God “How long?”




2.  What are some of the ways we could worship God and include more of the diverse aspects of His nature?




3. How easy is it for you to relate to the imagery of being the bride of Christ? (Note the differences for men and women.)




4. What kinds of good deeds can we do that will matter for eternity?




5. Why was it necessary to have such a gory description of the final battle?




Revelation 17: Failure of Human Government (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. How should a Christian who is called to run for public office handle the compatibility of their faith with politics?




2.  How should any Christian balance their responsibilities as a good citizen with their submission to the Lordship of Christ?




3. What legitimate reasons might a Christian have had for voting for Hillary Clinton in the last Presidential election? What legitimate reasons might they have had for not voting for her?




4. What legitimate reasons might a Christian have had for voting for Donald Trump in the last Presidential election? What legitimate reasons might they have had for not voting for him?




Revelation 15-16: End of God’s Wrath (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. How have you generally understood the wrath of God?




2.  Why do you think the destruction of everyone who rejects Jesus Christ is necessary?




3. Do you struggle with seeing God’s righteousness and love in the future events described in Revelation? If this is hard for you, why is it hard?




4. What kinds of things are you really passionate about?




Revelation 14: Two Sides of the Gospel (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. Is it hard for you to imagine Jesus as a judge?




2.  Was there ever a time in your life when you were rescued by an act of violence?




3. What do you understand as a healthy Christian pacifism?




4. How would you define what a “just war” would look like? Any examples?




Revelation 13: Mixing Politics with Religion (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. How have you seen similarities between politics and religion?




2.  Why does Jesus work differently than either politicians or religious leaders?




3. Why does Jesus work differently than either politicians or religious leaders?

Revelation 12: Battle of The Ages (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. What is the toughest battle you’ve found yourself in? How did it resolve, if it has already?




2. Why do you think the devil is so angry?




3. In what current struggle are you relying on Jesus for hope?




4. When were you ever using the tactics of Satan (anger, hatred, accusation, hopelessness) to try to bring about good?




Revelation 10-11: Two Sided Coin (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. Have you ever had something that made you feel sick but it turned out to be a blessing?




2.  Why did God create people with the freedom of choice? What would the world be like without it?




3. What made people hate the two witnesses so much?




Revelation 8-9: Trumpets (Making Sense Out of Revelation)


1. In what ways do you tend to take God’s protection for granted?




2.  Why do people tend to blame God for things that go wrong but ignore all the blessings He gives?




3. Were there ever painful things in your life that brought you closer to God?




4. What causes people to refuse to acknowledge God?