Verses for Life – Philippians 4: 6-8

  1. What causes you the most anxiety?



  1. What tactics do you generally use to alleviate your anxiety?



  1. In what ways can prayer affect your view of the future?



  1. Of the things we are told to meditate on in verse 8, which ones resonated the most with you as needing more attention in your thought life?


Verses for Life – Job 1:21

  1.  What would you consider to be the greatest blessings in your life?
  1.  What are some of the truths that Job 1:21 force us to wrestle with?
  1.  What would you say to Job when he lost everything?
  1. How can you greater appreciate what God has blessed you with in light of Job 1:21?

Verses for Life Week 3

  1. What does the idea of Jesus suffering for you do to affect your everyday life?



  1. Of all the things Isaiah mentions (rebellion, twisted perspective, a lack of peace, a need for healing, a wandering heart, a selfishness) which are the ones that hit you the most personally, relative to the cross?



  1. Why do you think we focus so much on heaven and the future, as the point of Christianity, when the Bible emphasizes our changed lives in the here and now?



  1. What verses in Isaiah 53, other than verses 5 and 6, hit you the most?




Verses for Life Week 2

  1. What does the best rest look like for you?



  1. What are the typical barriers that prevent you from getting the rest you need?



  1. Have you ever had a “Eureka Moment” where you recognized your need for rest?



  1. Do you need to schedule more strategic rest times in your life this week? What will that look like?




Verses for Life Week 1

  1. What kinds of things do you tend to trust other than the Lord?



  1. How does trust sometimes disappoint you?



  1. Can your thought processes sometimes paralyze you?



  1. What does knowing God more look like for you?



  1. How have you seen God directing your path to get you where you are today?




Hebrews 11:30-40
Everyday Heroes (Our Journey of Faith)

  1. Take a moment to browse over the characters in Hebrews 11.  Which of these characters can you most relate to and why?



  1. In what ways does Jesus give us something better in our faith than what the characters of the Old Testament had?



  1. What have you endured because of your faith?



  1. If you knew you could change one thing in this world by your faith, what would it be?



  1. In light of Hebrews 11, how can your faith greater change how you are living your life?



Revelation 3:14-22: The Church of the Laodicea (The Seven Churches)

  1. What causes people to lose their passion in life?



  1. Why do we often pretend we are fine when we really aren’t?



  1. What do you try to get from people that you should really be getting from God?



  1. What does fellowshipping with Jesus look like for you?



Revelation 3:7-13: The Church of the Word (The Seven Churches)

  1. Why do you think Jesus didn’t say anything critical about the Church of Philadelphia?



  1. What are some of the things that churches often substitute for the Word?



  1. In what ways can we adopt methodology that misrepresents the character of Jesus?



  1. What doors have been opened for you?



  1. Why is “a little strength” actually a blessing?



Revelation 3:1-6 The Dead Church (The Seven Churches)

  1. Has there ever been a time in your life where you felt more spiritually alive than you do now?
  1. What kinds of things usually rob us of our spiritual vitality?
  1. What are you doing differently now, spiritually, than in the past?
  1. What makes self examination easy to neglect?
  1. What do you need to start doing more?

Revelation 2:18-29: Image and Ministry (The Seven Churches) 

  1. What makes Christians want to imitate the idolatry of the world?
  1. How can a culture of idolatry create a distance between people and God?
  1. Do we act like pride is the worst of all sins?
  1. Why do you think the working class people of Thyatira were susceptible to the pitch of this Jezebel?
  1. What would “Jezebel’s” defense be to these charges?