Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs 31: Mother (Smarter Living) 1. What good qualities do you think of when you think of your mother? …
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Greed Is Not Good (Smarter Living) 1. What makes greed such a powerful force in our lives? 2. Is…
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Wealth (Smarter Living) 1. What do you think contributes to our insatiable desire for more? …
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Walk & Talk In The Light (Smarter Living) 1. What's the most encouraging thing someone has said to you? What made it special?…
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Anger Management (Smarter Living) 1. What things tend to make you the maddest? 2. Share about a…
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: You Can’t Fix Stupid (Smarter Living) 1. Why is it so hard to watch other people be wrong? …
Small Group QuestionsSpecial Services/Speakers John 20: Easter Skeptics 1. What is your best Easter memory? 2. What does the resurrection mean…
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Deferred Gratification (Smarter Living) 1. What is one of the worst decisions you've made on impulse? …
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Laziness (Smarter Living) 1. What activities in life are you most passionate about? How regularly do you do…
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Hurrying (Smarter Living) 1. What percentage of your average day do you spend hurrying? 2. What…