Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Alcohol Abuse (Smarter Living) 1. What positive and negative memories do you have from your childhood regarding alcohol?…
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: What Goes Around Comes Around (Smarter Living) 1. Have you ever felt like Wile E. Coyote when your plans just seem…
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: The Cost of Adultery (Smarter Living) 1. Why do you think people regard sexual sin as so significant compared to…
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Happiness (Smarter Living) 1. Are you happy right now? Really? 2. What is contributing to…
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Finances (Smarter Living) 1. How has debt affected your life? 2. Have you ever loaned…
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Government & Leadership (Smarter Living) 1. Who are the leaders who have most inspired you? What did you admire…
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Fear (Smarter Living) 1. What are the top three things that you are afraid of? …
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Poverty (Smarter Living) 1. When thinking about poverty, what is the first image and/or experience that comes…
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Choices Have Consequences (Smarter Living) 1. What is your favorite dog story? 2. What is your best…
Small Group QuestionsSmarter Living: Proverbs Proverbs: Knowing I’m Right (Smarter Living) 1. What is the dumbest thing you've ever believed? 2. What regrettable…