Small Group QuestionsThe Gospel of John John 16: Overcoming (The Gospel of John) 1. When have you felt like the worldly system just hated you? …
Small Group QuestionsThe Gospel of John John 15: Abide (The Gospel of John) 1. Jesus calls Himself "the true vine." What are some of the false vine…
Small Group QuestionsThe Gospel of John John 14: The Way, The Truth & The Life (The Gospel of John) 1. What has happened in your life to make you feel like your heart…
Small Group QuestionsSpecial Services/Speakers II Corinthians 4: Easter Sunday 2017 1. In what ways do you relate to Paul's struggles that he talks about…
Small Group QuestionsThe Gospel of John John 13: What Love Looks Like (The Gospel of John) 1.What would it feel like to have Jesus wash your feet? …
Small Group QuestionsThe Gospel of John John 12: Jesus’ Last Message (The Gospel of John) 1. Do you think it was kind of dumb for Mary to pour $68,000 worth…
Small Group QuestionsThe Gospel of John John 11: Lazarus, Life & Death (The Gospel of John) 1. Who is the person who has died that you miss the most, and why?…
Small Group QuestionsThe Gospel of John John 10: Jesus, Good Shepherd (The Gospel of John) 1. What first attracted you to Jesus? 2. Why do you think many…
Small Group QuestionsThe Gospel of John John 9: Blindness to Light (The Gospel of John) 1. How aware are you of disabled people around you and what is your attitude…
Small Group QuestionsThe Gospel of John John 8: Why the People Judge (The Gospel of John) 1. Why did the Jews bring the adulteress woman to Jesus? Why was it His…