The Armor of God (Part 4)- Ephesians 6:17-18


1. Do you view the importance of knowing the Bible differently after this teaching?




2. Have you memorized different versus to help you during the times Satan comes against you?




3. During the times when Satan is attacking you, do you recall versus that help you deal effectively with his attack?




4. What type of priority have you placed on prayer in your life? On a regular basis how often do you pray?




5. Does prayer help you with making decisions?




6. Do you pray for others?




7. What is the biggest challenge for you when it comes to finding time to pray? How have you been able to overcome that challenge?




The Armor of God (Part 3)- Ephesians 6:16-17


1. How has your faith in God changed your life?




2. When you are being attacked in your “thought life” does your faith in Jesus help you? Do you think about your faith in the middle of the battle?




3. What are some of the “fiery darts” the enemy shoots at you?




4. How has your salvation as a believer in Jesus changed your life?




5. How often do you think of your salvation?




Eph 6:10-20 The Armor of God Part 2


1. How has the “gospel of peace” changed your life?




2. When you are in the middle of a struggle do you think about “standing”?




3. How has the “truth” helped you live your life?




4. Have you accepted the fact that when you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, you became righteous in the eyes of God? If so, How has that changed your life? If not, what are you struggling to understand?




Eph 6:10-20 The Armor of God Part 1


1. Have you thought about the fact that you are in the middle of a spiritual battle because of your faith?




2. Are you prepared for this battle? If not, what needs to take place in your life to get you equipped for the battle?




3. Does the thought of being in a spiritual battle scare you? If so, what are some of the promises the Lord has given to us in Scripture that talk about His protection for us?




4. Since this in not a battle of “flesh & blood,” does this change your prospective as it relates to other people? Can you have more compassion and understanding for them?




I John 5: Why Jesus? (I John)


1. What is your personal testimony? (Your story of what Jesus has done in your life?)




2.  Who prayed for you when you wouldn’t listen to advice?




3. What are some good things that became idols for you?




I John 4: The Greatest Choice (I John)


1. What are some of the things people use as substitutes for Jesus?




2.  What do you think of when you hear the word “love”?




3. What does the statement “God is love” mean to you?




4. Do you find it easier to love Christians or non-Christians?




5. Do you think most non-Christians associate love with Christians? Why or why not?




I John 3: Who Am I? (I John)


1. What does being a child of God mean to you?




2. What are you doing on an ongoing basis to improve yourself? What inspired you to self-improvement?




3. Do you see patterns in your life where you are becoming less self-destructive?




4. What are your tangible ways of showing love to others?




I John 2: Our Advocate (I John)


1. Who has stood at your side as an advocate in a tough time?




2. How have you learned about grace?




3. Why do material things seem more valuable to us than they really are?




4. What makes loving others so hard?




Four Storms


1. If you had a chance to go on a cruise anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?




2. Have you ever been caught in a terrible storm? Describe it.




3. What is the greatest pressure situation you’re facing now?




4. What is your part and what is God’s part in the resolution of your storm?




I John 1: Walking In The Light


1. What truths in this chapter give you joy?




2. What’s so important about fellowship?




3. When God promises forgiveness, why are we still so often in denial about our sin?




4. How does confession enhance fellowship?