Mark 2:23-28 What About The Sabbath (Questions of Jesus)


1. What parts of your life would you define as work?




2. Do you have a regular day when you try to not work? If not, why not?




3. Are you open to trying a Sabbath experience sometime?




4. Does anything scare you about trying a Sabbath?




5. What could you do to create more space in your life?




Father’s Day 2018


1. What is the best memory you have of your dad?




2. Who has been most like a dad to you other than your dad?




3. What do you think of when you think of God as your Father?




4. How did you celebrate Father’s Day this year?




Luke 7:36-50 Do You Really See People (Questions of Jesus)


1. What makes us so prone to define people by their shortcomings?




2. Who in your life valued you more than you valued yourself?




3. How aware are you of God’s forgiveness of you? How does that affect your love for God, one way or the other?




4. Who in your life do you need to take a closer look at?




Matthew 16:26-28 Can You Have It All (Questions of Jesus)


1. If you were given Bill Gates’ fortune, how would your life change and what would you love to do?




2. In what areas is it more difficult to deny yourself when following Jesus?




3. What has “taking up your cross” meant for you in your walk with Jesus?




4. Looking back at your life, what things have you lost that you thought would be around forever?




5. What has that taught you about life?




6. In what ways has Jesus benefitted your soul more than anything else could?




Matthew 5:13 Salt of The Earth (Questions of Jesus)


1. Who has inspired you in your life but they don’t even know you?




2. Who that you know has enriched your life in great but subtle ways?




3. Who brings out the best in you?




4. What would you want people to say about you at your funeral?




John 21:5 Are You Catching Any Fish (Questions of Jesus)


1. How do you tend to evaluate how your life is working?




2. What areas of your life could use some more attention?




3. What small changes have you made in your life that have made a big difference?




4. What area of your life causes you to acknowledge, “It’s the Lord!”?




Mother’s Day 2018


1. Did your mom or grandmother have a spiritual influence in your life? If so, how?




2. What do you appreciate the most about your mom? If your mom has passed away, what do you miss the most about her?




3. What are some valuable life lessons that your mom taught you?




4. Who has been, ‘Like a Mom’ to you?




John 4 Woman At The Well (Questions of Jesus)


1. What is the best unplanned time you can remember having?




2. What kinds of people are you uncomfortable being around?




3. What surprises you most about the story of the woman at the well?




4. Where do you need to slow down some?




Mark 2:1-12 Your Sins Are Forgiven (Questions of Jesus)


1. Talk about the time when someone brought you to Jesus? What happened?




2. What do you most admire about the four men who brought the paralytic to Jesus?




3. Are you bringing people to Jesus? If so, share with the group what you are doing. If not, share with the group some ideas you might implement for this to take place.




4. Share a time in your life when your priorities did not line up with God’s priorities, but when you saw what the Lord had done in your life you were glad.




5. Why do you think as Christians we often times neglect the responsibility of sharing our love for Jesus with other people?




Luke 19:23 The Buried Mina (Questions of Jesus)


1. What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken in your life?




2. What is the most impactful thing you’ve done in your life?




3. What are some potential opportunities you’ve missed by inaction or risk aversion?




4. Who has risked a lot for you?