Luke 22:14-19 When Jesus Said Thanks (Special Services)


1. What were family meals like when you were a kid?




2. What are your family meals usually like?




3. What are some things you are thankful for, but you haven’t said “thank you” for them in awhile?




4. How do Communion and Thanksgiving relate to you personally?




Matthew 5:43-48 Loving Your Enemies (Questions of Jesus)


1. Who are the top five people you think of when you consider who you love? How many of them love you back?




2. Who is someone in your life who has made themselves your enemy? How can you love them?




3. What are some blessings God gave you before you ever loved Him?




4. How did God’s goodness help draw you to Him?




5. Who do you still need to work on loving?




Luke 18:1-8 Prayer and Faith (Questions of Jesus)


1. What are some of the things that cause us to pray less than we should?




2. What is it about the widow in this story that you find most admirable?




3. Why do you think Jesus chose to use an evil judge as a character in this story?




4. What does your personal prayer life look like? How might it improve?




John 8:1-11 Cast the First Stone (Questions of Jesus)


1. How have you been categorized or marginalized by people?




2. When have you been guilty of seeing others in an oversimplified way, marginalizing them?




3. Why can religious people sometimes be so heartless toward the feelings or predicaments of others?




4. When has someone’s sin blinded you to their value?




5. What can you imagine the rest of this woman’s life may have become?




Mark 10:17-27 God is Good (Questions of Jesus)


1. Do you ever think about God being good? If so, share with the group the last time you thought about this.




2. What are your thoughts and actions when life gets difficult? What happens when you experience loss, suffering, and pain?




3. Share with the group the last time the Lord impressed upon your heart to get rid of something in your life, and you considered it a sacrifice.




4. If you believe the foundation of your faith is solid, share with the group what you do on a regular basis to ensure it stays that way.




John 3: Born From Above (Questions of Jesus)


1. How do you see God working in your life on a daily basis?




2. Have you ever felt like the spiritual side of life is completely separate from the material part?




3. In what ways do you feel connected to heaven?




4. When did you begin to really experience your connection to God?




John 13:1-17 Washing Feet (Questions of Jesus)


1. What is your earliest recollection of social hierarchy?




2. Have you ever felt like you were beneath others?




3. Why did Jesus elevate those who were low in the pecking order instead of bringing down those who were higher?




4. What has been your experience with pecking order in the church?




5. What should serving each other look like?




Luke 17:11-19 Thanksgiving & Faith (Questions of Jesus)


1. What do you think are the top three reasons why we neglect to say thanks?




2. What are your top five things for which you are thankful?




3. What positive things have happened in your life from your thankfulness?




4. How do you see faith and thankfulness relating?




5. What should you thank God for that you’ve never thanked Him for before?




Luke 12:51 Division Not Peace (Questions of Jesus)


1. When you came to Jesus who or what had to be cut out of your life?




2. What are some things you’ve lost because of your following Jesus?




3. What connections in your life have become stronger because of your connection to Jesus?




4. In what ways do Christians sometimes create unnecessary divisions in their lives?




5. How can you make necessary divisions without appearing to be legalistic and prideful?




John 5:44 Believe Him or Not (Questions of Jesus)


1. How do you think a group like the Pharisees could start with such good intentions, but become so hypocritical and loveless towards God?




2. What bad decisions have you made while trying to fit in or please others?




3. In what ways has following Jesus caused you live differently than others would expect?




4. What have been the results of living in a way that honors God and not men?