Judges 10:1-12:15 Jephthah, The Rash Leader (Judges)

1. What is it about Jephthah’s background that made him effective?




2. Can you think of leaders in the past who have similar personality traits to Jephthah?




3. What do you think qualified Jephthah for getting listed in the Hebrews 11 Hall of Faith?




4. Has the Holy Spirit ever empowered you to do something decidedly non-religious?



5. What will you remember most about Jephthah?

Judges 9 Abimelech, Ambitious Leader (Judges)

1. What do you think makes power so attractive to people?




2. What makes people eventually turn on their leaders?




3. What is the worst family feud (or civil war) you’ve seen?




4. What is your particular area of fruitfulness?





Judges 6-8 Gideon (Judges)

1. In what ways have you struggled with feeling inferior?




2. In what ways has God shown you that you have more power than you thought?




3. What are some small ways you are trying to make a difference now?




4. Have you ever struggled with idolatry and chasing after things? What has helped you fight against that?




5. In what ways has God helped you defy the odds?

Judges 4-5 Deborah and Barak (Judges)

1. What have been the critical pivotal moments in your life?




2. In those pivotal moments, what decisions did you make that you regret and what decisions did you make that worked out well?




3. Who has helped you (from the background) accomplish significant things?




4. Who have you encouraged toward greatness?





Judges 1-3 Not Finishing the Job (Judges)

1. Who do you admire for their courage and faith to try things others don’t?




2. When was the last time you tried something that seemed crazy?




3. What regrets do you have about opportunities you didn’t act on?




4. What are you thinking about trying this year for the first time?





Revelation 21:1-8 New Year 2020 A Fresh Start (Special Services)

1. What are you committed to do/change/improve in 2020?



II Thessalonians 3:1-18 Prayer, Work, Close (Waiting For Jesus)

1. In what ways have disorganized people sucked the life out of you?




2. How has learning the law of sowing and reaping improved your quality of life?




3. What are your highest life priorities? Who or what pulls you away from those?




4. Is there someone else’s business that you need to butt out of?




5. How are you creating beauty?

II Thessalonians 2:1-17 Standing Fast Against Apostasy (Waiting For Jesus)

1. Have you ever lost hope in your life? What helped?




2. What are some of the ways in which you see the Holy Spirit holding back evil today?




3. Why do Christians seem so prone to imitate the world?




4. Why do so many people choose to reject God and follow the path to death?




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2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 (Waiting for Jesus)

1. Why would persecuted people derive comfort from knowing about heaven and hell?




2. In what ways do you see the glory of God’s power in your life and in this world?




3. What do you wonder about concerning heaven? Concerning hell?




4. How does 2 Thessalonians 1 motivate you to share the gospel?





Ephesians 5:17-21 Thanksgiving (Special Services)

1. What is your greatest Thanksgiving memory?




2. What kinds of things are hard for you to be thankful for?




3. What positive role has music played in your life?




4. How has flexibility helped you in your life?