1 & 2 Samuel: Kingdom BuildingSmall Group Questions 2 Samuel 10 (Kingdom Building)1. Has there ever been a time when someone took advantage of your kindness and…
Small Group QuestionsSpecial Services/Speakers New Years Message (New Years)1.What are you most afraid of as you consider the future? 2.Are…
Small Group QuestionsSpecial Services/Speakers John 2:1-12 The Lord of Celebration (Special Speaker)1.Who comes to mind when you think of celebration? 2.Why do you…
Small Group QuestionsSpecial Services/Speakers 2 Samuel 9: Reflecting With Compassion (Kingdom Building)1.Have you ever taken the time to remember people from your past who helped get…
1 & 2 Samuel: Kingdom BuildingSmall Group Questions 2 Samuel 8: Taking Your Territory (Kingdom Building)1.Can you describe your life’s calling in one or two sentences? 2.What…
1 & 2 Samuel: Kingdom BuildingSmall Group Questions 2 Samuel 7: Leaving a Legacy (Kingdom Building)1.Whose legacy are you? (Who came before you to help make you who you are?)…
Small Group QuestionsSpecial Services/SpeakersThe Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5: The Goal of Control (Fruit of the Spirit)1.From Galatians 5:22-23, which fruit of the Spirit do you relate to the most? …
1 & 2 Samuel: Kingdom BuildingSmall Group Questions 2 Samuel 6: Doing the Right Thing in the Wrong Way (Kingdom Building)1.Have you ever made a decision that seemed like it wasn’t a big deal but…
1 & 2 Samuel: Kingdom BuildingSmall Group Questions 2 Samuel 5: Building A Life (Kingdom Building)1.When did you discover your life’s calling, if you have? 2.What is…
1 & 2 Samuel: Kingdom BuildingSmall Group Questions 2 Samuel 4: Sad End of Ishbosheth (Kingdom Building)1.Why was society so cruel back in the days of David? Is it more or…