Hebrews 11:30-40
Everyday Heroes (Our Journey of Faith)

  1. Take a moment to browse over the characters in Hebrews 11.  Which of these characters can you most relate to and why?



  1. In what ways does Jesus give us something better in our faith than what the characters of the Old Testament had?



  1. What have you endured because of your faith?



  1. If you knew you could change one thing in this world by your faith, what would it be?



  1. In light of Hebrews 11, how can your faith greater change how you are living your life?



Hebrews 11:23-29
Moses and Faith in the Face of Risk (Our Journey of Faith)

  1. What is the riskiest thing you have ever done?



  1. Why do you think we struggle with trusting God fully when He calls us to do something?



  1. What would your life look like without fear influencing your decisions?



  1. How does comfort hold us back from stepping out in faith?



  1. What are ways that we can “see him who is invisible” (v.27) working in your lives?



Hebrews 11:20-22
People of Hope and Blessing (Our Journey of Faith)

  1. What is the greatest blessing (besides salvation) that you have ever received?



  1. In what ways does looking at your future without God lead to fearful living?



  1. How does your faith affect you in the face of death?



  1. In what ways can you bless others in your life?



Hebrews 11:17-19
The Sacrifice of Letting Go (Our Journey of Faith)

  1. What is the greatest act of faith you have witnessed personally?



  1. What would you have done in Abraham’s situation?



  1. What in your life is hard for you to trust God with?



  1. When are the times in your life when you have truly grown to know the Lord?



Hebrews 11:13-16
There’s No Place Like Home (Our Journey of Faith)

  1. What is your greatest memory of home?



  1. What is your most difficult memory of home?



  1. What is our future hope as Christians, and how does that change our present?



  1. What area of your life is the most difficult to trust God in?



  1. How should your perspective change if you are looking for a “heavenly homeland”?



Hebrews 11:8-12
The Step of Faith (Our Journey of Faith)

  1. What would be more difficult for you, leaving your family or your country?



  1. What is one area that you have stepped out in faith in?



  1. What could God call you to do that would most scare you?



  1. Share one thing that you can do this week that would require a real step of faith?



Hebrews 11:4-7
Making God Smile (Our Journey of Faith)

  1. What’s the best gift you have given someone?



  1. In what ways have you tried pleasing God apart from faith?



  1. Which one of the 3 examples of pleasing God by faith do you relate to the most and why? (Abel, Enoch, or Noah)



  1. What does walking by faith look practically look like?



Hebrews 11:1-3 Where the Journey Starts (Our Journey of Faith)

1. Share about a time where faith has changed your life.




2. Does faith mean you will never have doubts?




3.  Is there something that causes you to struggle with putting your faith in the Lord?




4. What things tends to strengthen your faith?




5. What are examples of things you have put your faith in instead of the Lord?