Acts 8: Phillip in Samaria (Fresh Church)

1. Have you ever known someone who seemed hostile to Christianity then turned to Jesus?




2. Which cultures today would it be challenging for you to reach out to them with the gospel?




3. Why do you think Peter reacted to the offer from Simon the Sorcerer so strongly?




4. Why do you think people are so comfortable monetizing the gospel today?




5. When were you baptized and what did it mean to you?

Acts 7: The Gospel and Idolatry (Fresh Church)

1. What are ways in which people worship buildings and/or people more than God?




2.Why do you think Stephen didn’t preach the gospel?




3. What do you think made the Jewish leaders so mad?




4. What do you think Paul was thinking about as this happened? What do you think he thought about it years later?




Acts 6: Ministry Roles in the Church (Fresh Church)

1. Why do you think the leaders in the early church had such a limited job description? (Word and prayer.)




2. What are some other things people expect pastors to do for them besides the Word and prayer?




3. What are the costs when ministers spread themselves too thin?




4. How did churches develop so many programs and ministries in addition to the focus on the Word and prayer?




Acts 5: Integrity and the Gospel (Fresh Church)

1. Why do you think Ananias and Saphira lied about their giving? Did the two of them have different motivations?




2. In what ways does integrity make the church more powerful, and in what ways does a lack of integrity make the church weaker?




3. What place does confession play in your life?




4. What makes it feel unsafe for you to be yourself?




Acts 4: The Gospel and Boldness (Fresh Church)

1. Why do you think the leaders were so threatened by the Christians?




2. What kinds of things in Christianity today might threaten certain authorities?




3. Where could you personally use more boldness?




4. What discomfort might be ahead of us as Christians in the future? How do you think we’ll handle it?




Acts 3: Healing and the Gospel (Fresh Church)

1. Have you ever seen someone who was miraculously healed physically? If so, what was the effect?




2. What are the greatest miracles that God has done in your life?




3. When did you really understand the gospel and who explained it to you?




4. Why do you think the gospel and Christianity was such a threat to the Jewish leaders?




5. What kinds of things crowd the gospel out of the way for Christians?

Acts 2: Speaking the Language (Fresh Church)

1. When you came to Christ was there someone who really seemed to speak your language?




2. Why do you think Peter spent much of his message in Acts 2 clearing up misconceptions?




3. In what ways could we work on more simplicity in our church life? In our personal lives?




4. How does their communal approach to life together in Acts 2 relate to us today?




Acts 1: The Kingdom and Spirit (Fresh Church)

1. In what ways can you think of where Jesus runs really counter to the ways of the world?




2. In what ways does a Christian value system offer an alternative to what the world offers?




3. Do you think most non-Christians today see Christians as examples of love, joy and peace?




4. What do you think waiting for the Holy Spirit looks like for you?