2 Samuel 3: Never Enough (Kingdom Building)

1.What do you want more of? How would your life change if you didn’t want it anymore?




2.When in your life were you most content?




3.Have you ever lost someone’s loyalty because you did something they didn’t want you to do?




4.Why do you think David kept putting up with Joab?




5.What in life do you probably just need to put up with it?

2 Samuel 2: Civil War (Kingdom Building)

1.Why do you think the people of Israel went along with Ishbosheth as king instead of David?




2.What was Abner’s motive in promoting Ishbosheth?




3.What do you think were the underlying issues that divided Israel?




4.What kinds of issues divide Americans today?




5.What kinds of issues divide Christians today?

2 Samuel 1: How the Mighty Have Fallen (Kingdom Building)

1.How have you dealt with grieving the loss of loved ones?




2.Do you think the Amalekite was telling the truth, or lying?




3.Why do you think David was sad about Saul dying, after Saul had done everything he could to destroy David?




4.Can you think of an example of someone mighty who has fallen? How do you feel about that?




5.Who has died that you need to show more grace toward, as you look back?

1 Samuel 31: The Death of a Hero (Kingdom Building)

1.Why do you think Saul still went to war, being as old as he was? 




2.Why did Jonathan still fight alongside his dad?




3.What could Saul have done once Samuel told him he would die soon? Why didn’t he?




4.How would you have expected David to feel after Saul and Jonathan were killed?





1 Samuel 30: When You Hit Rock Bottom (Kingdom Building)

1.Have you ever hit rock bottom emotionally? If so, how did you get through it? 




2.What does “Strengthen yourself in the Lord” mean to you?




3.Have you ever felt like you couldn’t keep up with others?




4.Why is generosity after a windfall so important?





1 Samuel 29: Belonging (Kingdom Building)

1.Have you ever thought you had found your place of belonging but had a rude awakening? 




2.How do you think David justified his willingness to join with the Philistines in attacking Israel?




3.Did Achish have a choice in this matter? What might he have done differently?




4.Have you ever felt like everyone and everything has let you down?




5.What was your greatest feeling of belonging and what’s been your greatest surprise rejection?

1 Samuel 28: A Prophet, a King, and a Witch (Kingdom Building)

1.Why do you think Saul still wanted to hear from God even though he had rejected God repeatedly? 




2.Would you want to know precisely when you will die? Why or why not?




3.If you could bring someone back from the dead for one conversation, who would you bring back and what question would you ask them?




4.Is there something that God has repeatedly told you that you still haven’t followed yet?




5.Have you ever seen God do something unexplainable?

1 Samuel 27: Lying To Yourself (Kingdom Building)

1.Have you ever watched people destroy themselves because of lies they believed? 




2.Have you ever experienced depression? What were you thinking as you were depressed?




3.What are some of the things people typically say to depressed people to make them feel less depressed?




4.What caused David to stop believing that God would protect him?




5.How did David rationalize killing innocent people?

1 Samuel 26: Just Say No (Kingdom Building)

1.Do you tend to be more of an impulsive person or an intentional person?




2.Have you ever had to say “no” to something important to you because you had said “yes” to less important things?




3.What are some things in your life that you should probably start saying “no” to?




4.What are your most important yes’s in your life?





1 Samuel 25: A Humble Response To Anger (Kingdom Building)

1.When have you been angry and had someone fan the flames of your anger? 




2.When have you been angry and had someone calm you down?




3.What motivated Abigail to reach out to David?




4.Why do you think God killed Nabal after ten days?




5.Why do you think godly people like David and Abigail were okay with polygamy?