I John 4: The Greatest Choice (I John)


1. What are some of the things people use as substitutes for Jesus?




2.  What do you think of when you hear the word “love”?




3. What does the statement “God is love” mean to you?




4. Do you find it easier to love Christians or non-Christians?




5. Do you think most non-Christians associate love with Christians? Why or why not?




I John 3: Who Am I? (I John)


1. What does being a child of God mean to you?




2. What are you doing on an ongoing basis to improve yourself? What inspired you to self-improvement?




3. Do you see patterns in your life where you are becoming less self-destructive?




4. What are your tangible ways of showing love to others?




I John 2: Our Advocate (I John)


1. Who has stood at your side as an advocate in a tough time?




2. How have you learned about grace?




3. Why do material things seem more valuable to us than they really are?




4. What makes loving others so hard?




Four Storms


1. If you had a chance to go on a cruise anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?




2. Have you ever been caught in a terrible storm? Describe it.




3. What is the greatest pressure situation you’re facing now?




4. What is your part and what is God’s part in the resolution of your storm?




I John 1: Walking In The Light


1. What truths in this chapter give you joy?




2. What’s so important about fellowship?




3. When God promises forgiveness, why are we still so often in denial about our sin?




4. How does confession enhance fellowship?




I Thessalonians 2:10-12 What Fathers Do


1. What was the best thing about your father, as a father?




2. Who in your life has been like a father, and in what ways?




3. Who in your life is like a son or daughter to you?




4. Why do you think God chose the metaphor of a father to describe Himself?




John 21: Working & Loving (The Gospel of John)


1. Are you catching anything? (In other words, “How is life working for you?”)




2. What does it look like in your life to serve others out of love for Jesus?




3. What part of your life has the most drudgery attached to it?




4. If you could know how you were going to die would you want to know?




John 20: Resurrection (The Gospel of John)


1. Why do you think Jesus chose Mary Magdalene to be the first person to see Him after the resurrection?




2. Why did John make such a point about running faster than Peter?




3. If you were one of the disciples of Jesus after the resurrection what would you have asked Him?




4. Why do you think Jesus hung around for several weeks after the resurrection?




John 19: Travesty of Justice (The Gospel of John)


1. What was the major reason why the Jewish leaders hated Jesus so much?




2. Have you ever felt like somebody just hated you?




3. Has insecurity ever caused you to do something, or fail to do something, that you later regretted?




4. If you knew your life was ending, who are the people (like Mary and John) who you would be most concerned for?




John 18: Knowing Who You Are (The Gospel of John)


1. Where do you tend to get the most frustrated by foolish people?




2. What are some of the dumb things you’ve believed about Jesus in the past?




3. What do you suppose was motivating Judas?




4. Why do you think Peter went from brave to scared so fast?




5. Define who you are, without including any other person in your definition.