Philippians 1:27-30 Strength In Unity (Enjoying Life)

1. Why do you think Christian unity is so important to God?




2. Why does unity seem to be such a problem for us?




3. Have you ever seen a case of Christian unity that inspired you?




4. Have you ever seen the gospel compromised in the name of unity? How can we avoid this?




5. Why do you think unity is important for joy?

Philippians 1:19-26 Joy In Life Or Death (Enjoying Life)

1. What are some of the things that were once “life” to you?




2. How did those things fail you?




3. What does “life being Christ” mean to you?




4. What are your greatest sources of joy?

I Samuel 1: Hannah the Mom (Mother’s Day)

1. What trait of Hannah reminds you most of your mom?




2. What do you appreciate most about your mom?




3. Who has filled a mothering role in your life besides your mom?




4. Who is the most inspiring mom you know, outside of your own family?

Philippians 1:12-18 Finding Joy in Christ (Enjoying Life)

1. Whose attitude during their suffering has inspired you?




2. Who were the people or ministries who inspired you to respond to the gospel?




3. In what ways do you try to share the gospel with people?




4. Which ministries should you try harder to rejoice over?

Philippians 1:1-11 (Enjoying Life)

1. Why do you think Paul was so optimistic in his prayers for the Philippians?




2. How much joy do you derive from prayer?




3. Who believed that you were awesome and getting more awesome?




4. Who are the people you feel connected with in the Gospel?

John 11:21-27 Easter (Special Services)

1. What is your favorite comeback story from your life? How does it remind you of Jesus?

2. When did you feel most alive? How does that remind you of Jesus?

3. In what areas are you trusting Jesus now?

Luke 19:28-48 Palm Sunday (Special Services)

1. For the people who were cheering Jesus on Palm Sunday, how do you think they felt a few days later when Jesus was arrested?

2. Who do you get mad at that Jesus would weep over?

3. How would you think Jesus feels about the huge “Christian” corporate world including massive ministries, Christian entertainment and publishing empires?

4. What crosses are you currently bearing?

Ecclesiastes: Wrapping It Up (The Meaning of Life)

  1. How has your opinion concerning the Book of Ecclesiastes changed after this study?

2. What false religious ideas stick out for you as being corrected by Solomon?

3. If you could pass on one idea from Ecclesiastes to the next generation, what would it be?

4. What does “Fear God and keep His commandments” mean to you?

Ecclesiastes 12: The Point of the Book (The Meaning of Life)

1. What do you dread the most about getting old?

2. If you could go back and talk to your 18 year old self, what advice would you give?

3. When have you second-guessed God and regretted it?

4. When was the last time you felt awe?

Ecclesiastes 11: No Risk No Rewards (The Meaning of Life)

1. What investments did you make in the past that are paying off for you now?




2. What investments were you afraid to make that you now regret?




3. Does music, art or crafts have a place in your life now? Why or why not?




4. What wild dreams have you had crushed by well-meaning practical people?




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