- What’s the most joyful experience you have ever had with God?
- How does sin affect our happiness with God and how should we deal with that?
- What is something you can give thanks for right now?
- How has giving (or tithing) to the Lord brought joy into your life?
- When was the last time you found yourself in an uncomfortable situation? What fruit came of it?
- When have you avoided taking a risk and trusting God? Do you regret it?
- Who is someone that has made an impact in your life that may not get a lot of recognition?
- What are some of your giftings?
- What is one way that you can use your giftings to make a difference in God’s Kingdom this week?
- How foundational has your family been?
- What were you taught, either by example or instruction, about a work/life balance?
- When was the last time you intentionally did nothing?
- Do you think most people need more to be reminded to work or to rest?
- How do you decide what to give?
- What are the root causes of division in our world?
- Where do you feel most connected?
- Have you experienced the cycle of success/pride/failure/repentance?
- How does coming to terms with our history help lead us forward?
- When have you been the most joyful in your life?
- What things rob you of joy in your life?
- How should this chapter change the way we look at the Scriptures?
- In what ways should the joy of the Lord make you stronger?
- What are 3 practical ways that you can choose to be more joyful this week?
- What’s the most pioneering move you’ve ever made?
- What role does music play in your spiritual life?
- Who is your “family” spiritually?
- Who do you protect and how do you protect them?
- How much of your life is spent in distractions from what matters most?
- Have you ever defended yourself against false accusations and realized what a waste of time and effort it was?
- Why is it so hard to ignore lies about us?
- What do you see as your primary, overarching purpose in life?
- Where do you need to adjust your allocation of time and resources to better align with God’s calling on your life?
- How has indebtedness affected your life?
- What are the reasons why people go into debt?
- What are the pluses and minuses of helping someone who is in debt?
- Have there been times when you couldn’t afford to financially give? If so, what caused that inability?
- Have you ever forgiven a debt owed to you? How did that feel?
- When have you felt discouraged and was it caused by something from within yourself or outside of yourself?
- In verse 14, Nehemiah reminded them to remember the Lord. In what ways do you remember the Lord?
- How do we balance loving others with defending God’s work?
- What things has God given you in your life that are worth defending?
- How does your family of origin affect the way you do life, positively or negatively?
- In what ways are you involved in rebuilding people?
- Are there people in your life that are as close to you as family?
- What do you do that is really a stretch by being outside your area of expertise?
- How could other people help strengthen you?