Nehemiah 7: Making A Difference – Knowing Your People

  1. What’s the most pioneering move you’ve ever made?



  1. What role does music play in your spiritual life?



  1. Who is your “family” spiritually?



  1. Who do you protect and how do you protect them?



A Practical Guide to Culture

As a parent, I was excited to read a book that looked at navigating some of the cultural problems and issues faced by our kid

s and families.  Understanding the undercurrents that sway culture is paramount in parenting that doesn’t seek to shelter and hide a child, but to equip, understand, and develop your child into a critical thinker who is confident in their faith.  The authors John and Brett expose ideas in a way that is relatable and relevant.  This book is a great resource for parents looking to guide their children in a difficult modern world.

[nectar_star_rating star_rating=”5″ sizing=”50″ icon_color=”accent-color”]

Justin’s Rating


Nehemiah 6: Making A Difference – Staying Focused

  1. How much of your life is spent in distractions from what matters most?



  1. Have you ever defended yourself against false accusations and realized what a waste of time and effort it was?



  1. Why is it so hard to ignore lies about us?



  1. What do you see as your primary, overarching purpose in life?



  1. Where do you need to adjust your allocation of time and resources to better align with God’s calling on your life?



Nehemiah 5: Making A Difference – Economic Principles

  1. How has indebtedness affected your life?



  1. What are the reasons why people go into debt?



  1. What are the pluses and minuses of helping someone who is in debt?



  1. Have there been times when you couldn’t afford to financially give? If so, what caused that inability?



  1. Have you ever forgiven a debt owed to you? How did that feel?