Building Bigger Barns
Luke 12:16-21
- Do you ever think about how long you’ll live? How does that affect you?
- What is the best money you’ve ever spent? Why?
- Have you ever hoarded anything or saved things you never used?
- What do you worry about most?
- How do you seek God’s righteousness?
Are You Hungry or Not?
Luke 14:15-24
- Why do you think Jesus chose to picture life in the Kingdom of God as a great supper?
- If Jesus is true and good, why don’t more people embrace Him?
- Why did Jesus care so much for the worst of people? What did they have that the Pharisees didn’t?
- What excuses get in the way of you and life in the Kingdom of God?
- How are you trying to make a small difference in the lives of others?
The Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37
- Why do you think Jesus chose a Samaritan as the hero of this story? If you made up this parable today, who might you choose as the unlikely hero of the story?
- Why is it so easy to love God (or think you do) and so hard to love our neighbor?
- Who is an example that comes to mind of a person who doesn’t believe in what you believe and yet challenges you by their level of compassion?
- When have you been rescued by someone when you needed it most?
- How are you trying to make a small difference in the lives of others?
Living Beyond Today
Luke 16:1-13
- Can you remember any fads or trends from the past that you were a part of?
- Do you think most Christians view their resources as theirs or God’s?
- Why does an eternal perspective matter when it comes to our lives?
- What are clever ways that you can use the things you have to make an eternal impact?