- Have you ever had something happen that seemed devastating at the time but it turned out to be not that big of a deal in the long run?
- Have you ever had something that devastated you years ago and it still feels devastating?
- What are you worried about now that won’t be a big deal a thousand years from now?
- In what ways are you seeing a synergy between the good and bad things that happen in your life?
- What led you to trust God with your life?
- What is one word you would use to introduce yourself to others?
- Why do you think John chose to describe Jesus as the Word?
- How does understanding Jesus as God change your faith?
- How has Jesus brought life and light to your life?
- What comes to mind when you think of confession?
- Why is forgiveness so empowering and healing?
- What does a process of confession look like, as a way of life?
- What keeps us back from admitting our failures?
- When is the weakest you have felt in your walk with God?
- What types of things do you try to control or do in your own strength?
- How have you tried to avoid difficult things instead of coming to God for the strength to stand?
- In what ways do you draw on God’s strength in your life?