2 Samuel 7: Leaving a Legacy (Kingdom Building)

1.Whose legacy are you? (Who came before you to help make you who you are?)




2.In what ways are you trying to leave a legacy?




3.Do we ever seem to value buildings above true legacy? Why do we do that?




4.If you could pass along one message for future generations what would it be? How are you passing that legacy along?





Galatians 5: The Goal of Control (Fruit of the Spirit)

1.From Galatians 5:22-23, which fruit of the Spirit do you relate to the most?




2.Share a situation where you struggle to control yourself?




3.What are you called to?




4.Where do you need self control in your life?





2 Samuel 6: Doing the Right Thing in the Wrong Way (Kingdom Building)

1.Have you ever made a decision that seemed like it wasn’t a big deal but it failed miserably?




2.Have you ever blamed God for something that was actually your fault?




3.In what ways are the methods of the world influencing the way we as Christians are doing things?




4.How central are prayer and God’s Word to your strategizing?




5.How has negativity robbed you of fruitfulness?

2 Samuel 5: Building A Life (Kingdom Building)

1.When did you discover your life’s calling, if you have?




2.What is home for you?




3.How often have you sought the Lord for specific strategy when making decisions?




4.What do you most need to work on- your calling, your home or your strategy?