Luke 15:11-32: Prodigal Patience (Fruit of the Spirit)

1. Who do you most connect with in this story, the father, the younger son, or the older brother? Why?




2.Why is it sometimes difficult for us to accept God’s graciousness to others who may not deserve it?




3.How do we find the ability to be patient like the father?




4.What is a time where your impatience set you behind in life?




5.In what ways can you be more patient with others?

Hebrews 11: Father’s Day 2022 (Special Service)

1.What is your most courageous memory of your father?




2.In what ways, positively and negatively, have you been influenced by your father?




3.How does grace help you form memories of your father that are constructive?




4.How do you most want to be remembered by those who come after you?





Matthew 18: Play Nice (The Story of Messiah)

1.What have you learned most from being around children?




2.In what ways do you need to become more like a child?




3.What makes us more ambitious as we age?




4.Why is forgiveness so hard? Especially repeated forgiveness?





Matthew 17: Time and Eternity (The Story of Messiah)

1.What part of the Transfiguration story fascinates you the most?




2.How have you seen the world of fantasy intersecting with the world as we know it?




3.If you were able to travel backwards or forward in time, where would you want to go?




4.How has your father influenced who you have become?




5.What has been your experience with faith, prayer and fasting?