Matthew 10: Rules For The Road (The Story of Messiah)

1.Who is your team in life?




2.What are good things you’ve eliminated to pursue greater things?




3.What should you probably move on from in your life?




4.What has made you mentally tough? What has made you mentally weak?




5.How are you helping others fulfill their service to the Lord?

Matthew 9: The Power of Faith (The Story of Messiah)

1.Who had the faith to reach out to you?




2.Have you ever reached out to someone and really saw a huge change?




3.Why do we not see some of the faith miracles around us?




4.What are you doing to reach out to those around you?





Matthew 8: The Power To Heal (The Story of Messiah)

1.Have you ever seen a miracle? If so, how did it affect you?




2.When was the time when you most desperately wanted a miracle and it didn’t happen?




3.How has a fear of death affected your life?




4.Why is death something we don’t like to talk about?




5.Why did the Centurion have more faith than the disciples in the boat?