1 Samuel 29: Belonging (Kingdom Building)

1.Have you ever thought you had found your place of belonging but had a rude awakening? 




2.How do you think David justified his willingness to join with the Philistines in attacking Israel?




3.Did Achish have a choice in this matter? What might he have done differently?




4.Have you ever felt like everyone and everything has let you down?




5.What was your greatest feeling of belonging and what’s been your greatest surprise rejection?

Matthew 6:1-4 Don’t Mention It (Special Message)

1.What’s the greatest award you’ve received?  (Go ahead and brag!)




2.When has someone not recognized something good that you have done?  How did you feel?




3.How do we avoid seeking man’s attention when we serve or give to others?




4.In what ways does God reward us openly?




5.Revisit Matthew 5:13-16.  How do we balance these two passages and in what ways would you like to see change in your life?

Matthew 5:13-16 Salt and Light (Special Message)

1.What’s the kindest thing that anyone has ever done for you?




2.How do you think the non-Christians you know view Christians?




3.What are some of the things in your life that cause you to miss the opportunities God has given you to be salt and light?




4.In what new ways can you share God’s goodness with others?





1 Samuel 28: A Prophet, a King, and a Witch (Kingdom Building)

1.Why do you think Saul still wanted to hear from God even though he had rejected God repeatedly? 




2.Would you want to know precisely when you will die? Why or why not?




3.If you could bring someone back from the dead for one conversation, who would you bring back and what question would you ask them?




4.Is there something that God has repeatedly told you that you still haven’t followed yet?




5.Have you ever seen God do something unexplainable?

1 Samuel 27: Lying To Yourself (Kingdom Building)

1.Have you ever watched people destroy themselves because of lies they believed? 




2.Have you ever experienced depression? What were you thinking as you were depressed?




3.What are some of the things people typically say to depressed people to make them feel less depressed?




4.What caused David to stop believing that God would protect him?




5.How did David rationalize killing innocent people?