1 Samuel 26: Just Say No (Kingdom Building)

1.Do you tend to be more of an impulsive person or an intentional person?




2.Have you ever had to say “no” to something important to you because you had said “yes” to less important things?




3.What are some things in your life that you should probably start saying “no” to?




4.What are your most important yes’s in your life?





1 Samuel 25: A Humble Response To Anger (Kingdom Building)

1.When have you been angry and had someone fan the flames of your anger? 




2.When have you been angry and had someone calm you down?




3.What motivated Abigail to reach out to David?




4.Why do you think God killed Nabal after ten days?




5.Why do you think godly people like David and Abigail were okay with polygamy?

1 Samuel 24: Taking the High Road (Kingdom Building)

1.Have you ever been in a position to damage someone who had tried to hurt you but you didn’t do it?




2.When have you gone against advice and were glad you did?




3.How do you think Saul continued to justify his pursuit of David after this?




4.Have you ever forgiven someone but still not trusted them?





1 Samuel 23: The Will of God (Kingdom Building)

1.Have you ever questioned whether you were in God’s will based on outcomes?




2.Have you ever had someone stab you in the back after you helped them? How did you feel?




3.When you pray for wisdom, when do you think you’ve heard from Him enough to make a decision?




4.Have you ever had a friend show up out of the blue at the perfect time?