1 Samuel 17: Taking Down Giants (Kingdom Building)

1.What is your favorite part of the David and Goliath story?




2.How do you think David’s brothers looked at him after this victory?




3.Have you ever lost a battle that you expected to easily win?




4.Have you ever won a battle you didn’t think you could win? What was your strategy?




5.What giants are you facing in your life now? What are the preparation and strategies you are using, and what are you doing to enhance your courage and faithfulness?

1 Samuel 16: God Looks On The Heart (Kingdom Building)

1.Have you ever had a really humbling task that turned out to be a blessing?




2.How do you try to look beneath the surface with people?




3.What do people see in you if they don’t get past the surface?




4.What positive role does music play in your life?





1 Samuel 15: Obedience, Not Sacrifice (Kingdom Building)

1.How do you feel about God ordering the Amalekites to be destroyed?




2.Have you ever felt regret and mixed emotions after doing the right thing?




3.Why does leadership so easily destroy people?




4.Do you think Samuel felt sorry for Saul?




5.What was the hardest obedience you’ve ever done?

1 Samuel 14: Contrasting Men – A Father And A Son (Kingdom Building)

1.Was there ever a time when playing it safe caused you to miss out on something exciting?




2.What risky ventures are you contemplating now?




3.Who inspires you in the way they go for it?




4.What energizes you?




5.What about Jonathan inspires you most?