1 Samuel 2: Choices Have Consequences (Kingdom Building)

1.What do you think was the mindset of Hophni and Phinehas? How would they justify their behavior? What was Eli thinking in allowing it?




2.What made Samuel such a good person? What qualities allowed him to thrive in a bad environment?




3.What would motivate a bad person to go into ministry?




4.What good choices have you made that led to blessed consequences? Have you made any good choices that haven’t yet led to blessings?





1 Samuel 1: A Child is Born (Kingdom Building)

1.From what you know, how did your parents respond to your birth?




2.If you have children, how did having them affect you? Grandchildren?




3.What would you say to a woman who desires a child but hasn’t been able to conceive?




4.How is Hannah not a horrible person for turning her young son over to Eli and his evil boys?




5.How does the idea of “loaning to the Lord” resonate with you?

Acts 28: The End of the Beginning (Fresh Church)

1.What lasting impact do you hope you leave on people?




2.Who showed you God’s love the most?




3.Have you ever thought someone was a criminal, then decided they were a god? How about vice versa? Which is more common today?




4.What are your greatest memories going through Acts?




Acts 27: Paul in Crisis (Fresh Church)

1.What was the last crisis you had to face?




2.Who is the best crisis manager you know?




3.Why do you think God allowed them to get into this emergency, or do you think things like this just randomly happen?




4.What is the most important thing for you to remember from this story for your next crisis?