Thessalonians 1:1-10 A Healthy Church (Waiting For Jesus)

1. Did you ever have misconceptions about the Lord’s return?




2. How often do you think about the Lord’s return?




3. In what ways have you served the Lord in the past or present?




4. In what ways do you spread the word about church and the Gospel?




5. What does waiting for Jesus look like for you?

John 8:1-11 A Gracious Savior (Special Service)

1. Do you struggle with “throwing stones at times”?




2. Have you ever found yourself ranking sin?




3. Do you consider yourself an encouraging person? Explain. If you are not encouraging, have you thought about making a new friend who is encouraging?




4. Jesus did not come to condemn but to save. What does that mean to you? Has the way Jesus looks at you changed how you look at others? Explain.





Romans 8:18-28 Honest Hope For When Life Hurts (Special Service)

1. What is causing you to “groan” during this season of your life?




2. How will you remember the glory you are heading towards? How can it transform your outlook on your life?




3. Have you experienced feeling too weak to pray with words? How does it encourage you that the Spirit intercedes for you?




4. Is there a way in which you are seeking to change your circumstances, where you need to instead seek to change your heart’s attitude towards them?





Hebrews 12:3-13 Life Lessons (Special Service)

1. Is there something that you have given up on, and later regretted?




2. Is there a situation that you have been through that made you feel like quitting or giving up, but you stuck it out?




3. Why do you think we avoid pain in our culture? Where do you tend to avoid pain and difficulty?




4. What situations have deepened your character the most in life? Was pain or difficulty a part of that situation?





Philippians 4:14-23 Giving And Receiving (Enjoying Life)

1. What is the most memorable gift you’ve ever received?




2. What is the most appreciated gift you’ve ever given?




3. Was there ever a time when someone really connected with you when you were under a lot of pressure?




4. What is the most sacrificial gift you’ve ever given or received?




5. When have you most felt the riches of God in your life?