Philippians 3:17-21 Our Citizenship (Enjoying Life)

1. What were some moments in your life that felt really transcendent or other-worldly?




2. What in your life would you like to be remembered for?




3. If you knew you had one day left in your life, what would you do? Why aren’t you doing that today?




4. What are some of your transcendent goals?





Philippians 3:12-16 Focusing On The Goal (Enjoying Life)

1. When you were growing up, what messages were sent to you that made you feel like you were supposed to act like everyone else?




2. When have you felt most special and unique in your life?




3. What do you think most non-Christians think the typical Christian is like?




4. What have you discovered about yourself that makes you special?





Philippians 3:7-11 Loss And Gain (Enjoying Life)

1. What are some of the things that have defined your worth in your life?




2. Has religion ever made you feel hopeless or empty?




3. Has success ever left you jaded?




4. Was there ever a time when pain and loss brought you closer to Jesus?





Philippians 3:1-6 Spirit, Not Flesh (Enjoying Life)

1. What were the main rules you grew up with?




2. How can worship help cure self-righteousness?




3. What makes self-righteousness attractive to people?




4. Why does religion sometimes make people mean and angry? How can we guard against that?