Mark 2:1-12 Your Sins Are Forgiven (Questions of Jesus)


1. Talk about the time when someone brought you to Jesus? What happened?




2. What do you most admire about the four men who brought the paralytic to Jesus?




3. Are you bringing people to Jesus? If so, share with the group what you are doing. If not, share with the group some ideas you might implement for this to take place.




4. Share a time in your life when your priorities did not line up with God’s priorities, but when you saw what the Lord had done in your life you were glad.




5. Why do you think as Christians we often times neglect the responsibility of sharing our love for Jesus with other people?




Luke 19:23 The Buried Mina (Questions of Jesus)


1. What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken in your life?




2. What is the most impactful thing you’ve done in your life?




3. What are some potential opportunities you’ve missed by inaction or risk aversion?




4. Who has risked a lot for you?




Luke 6:41 The Plank In Your Eye (Questions of Jesus)


1. Who are the kinds of people who drive you the most nuts? Why?




2. Have you ever misjudged someone really bad, then found out you were wrong?




3. How does not forgiving someone affect you? How does forgiving someone affect you?




4. Who do you need to be more generous with?




Matthew 12:48 Who Is My Real Family (Questions of Jesus)


1. What’s your best family memory?




2. What are some of the differences between God’s family and our earthly family?




3. How do we find and do God’s will?




4. What are some challenges you’ve faced when doing God’s will?