Proverbs: Things The Lord Hates (Smarter Living)


1. Did you get surprised by the things on the Lord’s list? What surprised you the most?




2. What are some things you hate?




3.  Why is it important to protect our heart?




4. Share with the group the last time you were tempted to lie, but you told the truth. How did you feel afterwards?




5. How often are you tempted to compromise your character? What happens when you give in to that temptation?




Proverbs: Business Basics (Smarter Living)


1. Who is the person in your life who has been most trustworthy, not counting your spouse?




2. What have you worked the hardest at in life?




3.  In what time of your life do you wish you had worked harder?




4. Why do you think fairness is such a big deal?




Proverbs: Gossip (Smarter Living)


1. How would you define gossip?




2. Why do you think people gossip?




3.  What are the most common excuses people use for gossiping?




4. How would Christianity change if there was no more gossip?




Proverbs 31: Mother (Smarter Living)


1. What good qualities do you think of when you think of your mother?




2. What are the most important qualities do you think a mother should have?




3.  What women other than your mother have had a motherly influence in your life?




4. Why do you think Solomon had such an ability to describe a godly woman, while seemingly having such an inability to actually find one to marry?




Proverbs: Greed Is Not Good (Smarter Living)


1. What makes greed such a powerful force in our lives?




2. Is there any aspect of greed that is good?




3.  What are some ways in which we can combat the hold of greed on our lives?




4. Have you had any experiences in your life where greed led you down a dark path?