Proverbs: Wealth (Smarter Living)


1. What do you think contributes to our insatiable desire for more?




2. How could you adjust your lifestyle if you suddenly lost 25% of your income?




3. What has been the happiest time in your life? Did you have more or less than you have now?




4. Who do you know who seems truly content with what they have?




5. Who is the most giving person you know?




Proverbs: Walk & Talk In The Light (Smarter Living)


1. What’s the most encouraging thing someone has said to you? What made it special?




2. What types of things make it hard to continually be a positive and encouraging person?




3.  What are some of the things we can control that lead to being a person who is more positive?




4. Is there anyone in your life that could use encouragement?




Proverbs: Anger Management (Smarter Living)


1. What things tend to make you the maddest?




2. Share about a time when someone was really mad at you? How did that feel?




3.  What is the best anger management technique you’ve found?




4. Have you ever had to distance yourself from a person because of their chronic anger? Are there people in your life now from which you should probably distance yourself?




Proverbs: You Can’t Fix Stupid (Smarter Living)


1. Why is it so hard to watch other people be wrong?




2. Share about a time when you tried to correct someone’s foolishness and got baited into foolishness yourself.




3.  How do you know when it is time to be silent and when it is time to speak up?




4. What stupid practices is God working on in you currently, to help you wise up?